how do you manage stress?

The most common request I receive is to explain the 9 functions, where energy flows in and out. These hubs are connected to biological functions which means they can be felt in the body. 

The one function that provides energy to get the body moving is called Drive + Stamina (root center). This is a physical adrenalized pressure center which can have a big influence on making poor decisions and can be detrimental to your health. 

Our 2 main stress hormones are stored here: adrenaline and cortisol. It's an important function to understand because if you don’t know how to deal with the daily stresses and pressures of life in the correct way it can lead to burnout, sickness and fatigue. 

How you deal with stress will depend on your unique configuration.

60% of the population has this function defined (colored in) and 40% has it undefined (open/white). 

If you have this defined, it means you have a consistent, internal way of dealing with stress. Adrenalized pressure gets you moving. You're aware of this pressure and step away when you feel this energy is being magnified by others. You remain grounded as long as you follow your decision making strategy to know when to engage and when to disengage. 

If it's defined yet operating in an unhealthy state, you may experience: 

  • Becoming overwhelmed with your own stress and pressure.

  • Holding on to pressure in your body, not releasing it in appropriate ways.

  • Becoming impulsive and rushing into things to get rid of the pressure.

  • Putting unnecessary stress and unreasonable expectations on others.

If you have this undefined, you absorb stress from your environment and don't act on it prematurely. You don't push your body beyond its limits. You can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy pressures and are not addicted to either. You know when to use the pressure correctly to increase productivity and when to avoid it. You give yourself time to actually enjoy a task. When you feel stressed, you know it's a sign to stop and take a few deep breaths to release pent-up pressure. 

If it's undefined yet operating in an unhealthy state, you may experience:

  • Being in a hurry to get things done as quickly as possible.

  • Rushing to keep up with others.

  • Impatience and restlessness.

  • In a hurry for no good reason.

  • Not slowing down to enjoy the moment.

  • In a hurry to be free of the stress or pressure of those around you, only to realize another stressor follows.

  • Feeling rushed or forced into making immediate decisions.

  • Saying yes to every task that leads to burnout.

Although we can't get rid of stress and pressure completely, we can learn to use it in a balanced, healthy way. Slow down, take a few breaths and delegate tasks if possible. 

The key to long term success is being aware of this aspect in your design and making aligned decisions that are not made in a hurry! 

Learn more about how to relieve stress at work by booking a strategy session with me today!

to your success,


Shaadi Oreyzi