Elevate your business and your people with Human Design

One of the main concerns for any business owner today is recruitment and retention. Traditional HR services rely solely on resumes and interviews which isn’t sufficient anymore. 

What if I told you there’s a solution that will transform how you approach hiring and managing teams?

It’s a solution that will help you find the right individuals to join your dream team and make sure everyone is in the right role to succeed. 

Once you’ve built your dream crew, you can spend your time doing the things you love to do. With less turnover and internal conflict between employees, it frees up time to focus on your mission and vision.

The answer is to add Human Design into your business practices. It’s an accurate assessment tool that will help you place the right people in the right role. 

If you’re looking for new tools to provide better insights into your potential candidates or want help finding the right employees that stick, it’s time to add Human Design to your recruitment strategy. 

It’s one of the best ways to improve communication, increase productivity and yield optimum results by understanding everyone’s unique design.

With the Human Design System, you have all the insights you need to make the best decisions in any scenario. 

Here’s a breakdown of what the system is and how hiring a Human Design Business Consultant, like me, will help you find the right people for the job.

What is Human Design?

It is essentially a roadmap for self-understanding and how to best manage our energy based on our type. Type is defined as a cross between a Meyers-Briggs personality assessment and Genotypes, your genetic identity. 

Human Design results are based on 3 facts, no long quizzes or blood tests required. It’s a game changing tool that’s transforming the workplace. 

Incorporating Human Design in the business world is the secret to recruiting and retaining top talent as well as improving workplace happiness. 

It all starts by knowing the 4 types and organizing employees based on each person’s HD Map results.

The 4 Types

There are 4 basic types, and understanding which type your employees fall into is key to successful communication between teams and fostering employee satisfaction. It’s also helpful to understand each person’s communication style and emotional chemistry so you know better how your employees react and respond to certain situations

This is a quick breakdown of the Human Design types so you can structure your teams in a better way.

The Builders (69% of the population) 

Builders, also known as Generators, are the ‘doers’ of the workplace. Every day they wake up with a full tank of energy, and are designed to use it all up daily. Builders are at their best when asked to respond to specific yes/no questions before taking on a project or job. When their gut responds with a yes or “ah-huh” then they know they can work towards something that brings them satisfaction. When they get a no or “uhh-un” or “hmm” then it’s a no for now. 

Do you have Builders on your team?

Builders can work in any role they respond to and have energy to sustain long hours of work. In an office environment, they can take direction well and execute on a task to completion. Look out for when one of these individuals starts to show frustration, this may be a sign their job satisfaction is dwindling. Also, a Builder who hasn’t set clear boundaries tends to say yes to too many things, which can result in overcommitting and overwhelm.

The Initiators (9% of the population) 

Initiators, also known as Manifestors, are the entrepreneurs, starters and initiators of the group. They make great salespeople. They are the ones with endless ideas and want freedom to bring their vision into reality. Although they can work well with others too, they must inform others on what they’re up to and be informed by their team in return. 

Do you have Initiators on your team?

Initiators are wired in a way that makes them act independently. For them, they simply decide what they want to do and then do it. As a result, they end up taking action without letting anyone else know, which can result in conflict in the workplace. 

The simple solution for them is to practice informing others of what they’re working on and being informed of what their co-workers are doing too. This will open up clean lines of communication and remove resistance.

The Advisors (21% of the population) 

Advisors, also known as Projectors, are the guides of the team. They have a limited supply of energy to use up every day which means they are super efficient and can streamline your processes. Advisors are designed to work less and not as long hours as Builders. You may notice they require more rest and breaks. 

Do you have Advisors on your team? 

Within the workplace, these types make incredible teachers, mediators, coaches, team leaders, and managers. However, if an Advisor tries to initiate, they will be met with resistance.

Advisors need to be recognized for their skills and invited into the team. They can be known to dish out unsolicited advice when not invited. However, once they’re noticed and called upon they can step up into an advisory role and share their high-level solutions with others. 

The Evaluators (1 % of the population) 

Evaluators, also called Reflectors, are the rarest of all the types. These are individuals that mirror back the energy of everyone around them. They enjoy being at the center of the business, so they can carefully observe and evaluate the health and well-being of the workplace. 

The process of reflecting and observing their environment takes a lot more time than the other types. Their assessment process typically requires a month or two. Pressuring them into making a serious decision quickly or giving them short deadlines can lead to disappointment. 

Do you have an Evaluator on your team?

Evaluator types cannot maintain the same level of energy as Builders. If you’re lucky enough to have one on your team, give them plenty of time to assess and discuss what they see then ask them for their sage, objective advice. 

Knowing everyone’s Type is only scratching the surface however it’s key to solving the biggest problems in the workplace. 

As you can see, knowing the Human Design types of your employees is incredibly insightful. It provides you with a tool for how to best manage your team, distribute the workload, and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of every individual so you can elevate their game.

The more comfortable your employees are in their role they’re placed in, the better they perform. As a result, they are more likely to stay with the company. 

If you’re interested in bringing Human Design into your company, get started today by contacting me for more information.