How to hire effectively based on Human Design Career Types

I recently did something I never do, hire someone to help me with my business. 

Besides my mentor, I typically will go the free route, trade services or google how to do something on my own. All of which can be a fun experiment or not. 

It’s the not so glamorous side of working for yourself and being the sole breadwinner—every penny spent counts.

When it comes to social media, I was exhausted. I finally decided enough is enough by hiring an expert to help out. 

Saving energy as an Advisor (projector) type is a top priority. It doesn’t only mean physical, it’s also mental energy that can be taxing! Spending countless hours watching videos and reading free content was draining.

That’s when I knew I wanted to delegate my social media strategy to an expert. I always ask for someone's Career Map information before hiring, it makes the decision process so much easier.

Right away I knew the potential of the person I am considering to hire beforehand. The person I went with was an Advisor type so I knew she would be super efficient. Advisors can get a lot done in just 3-4 hours. I also knew if she tried to quote me for anything more than that for the tasks required then she probably wouldn’t have been a right fit.

I knew from her Career Map that she was a social genius with the strength of Inspiration. She is a creative role model that revamped my Instagram profile and inspired me on future content! 

The process was about as fast and seamless as I could have imagined. I was looking for efficiency and creativity. I was so happy with the final product, but more importantly it felt like I gained time to do the things I love which is priceless! 

Saving energy and delegating when possible is advice all types can apply: 

  • Builders can conserve energy by saying no to the things that doesn’t invoke a yes gut response. Delegate tasks that are frustrating. Hire an Advisor type to help you see what you can't see and streamline your business! 

  • Initiators can work in spurts then rest. Informing others of what they’re doing and what they don’t want to do will save them energy down the road. If they are working within teams, they require freedom to come and go. If they’re the CEO then delegating the work to Builders and managing the team to an Advisor is ideal.

  • Advisors can get more done in 3-4 hours than most can in a day. It is important for them to delegate anything that drains their energy quickly. Taking breaks often will also help them conserve their energy when working on a project.

  • Evaluators get energized by spending time in nature and working in environments that feel good. Working in the center of the business or as the right hand to the CEO or executive is ideal.

Doing the things you love and delegating everything else when possible is solid advice everyone can appreciate. 

Learn more about your Human Design Type here or schedule a one-on-one with me anytime!

to your success,


Shaadi Oreyzi