what are your superpowers?

Have you ever asked the question, "what are my superpowers?" If so, one place to look is at your natural born Strengths. In the words of the founder of Human Design, “this is where your power is, where your gifts are, and where you‘re different from anybody else." 

Even if two people have the same strengths, the way it's expressed is determined by your Type. 

Translation: there is only one version of you! 

It's important to know and accept all the aspects of your design regardless of what society or anyone says so that you don't doubt yourself or conform just to fit in, which is a superhero's kryptonite. For example, I have 2 superpowers: Competitiveness and Community. 

My strength of Competitiveness is how I’ve been able to help businesses stand apart from the rest and win. I don't look at competition in a negative way anymore even on a personal level because it's the energy I bring to the table and defines who I am. 

I‘m also a proud member of two women-led and empowered communities—shout out to Holisticism and Guaranteed to Wrinkle

If I wasn’t invited to be a part of a Community or to help businesses stay Competitive and succeed in doing so, I’d know I’m not on track or utilizing my natural born gifts. 

When my strengths are recognized and invited, it's an indication that I’m living in alignment and playing my Super Hero role correctly.

Now more than ever, we need more superheroes that are aware of their strengths and how to use them in a way that will benefit others and bring forth success and satisfaction in all areas of life. 

Want a list of your Superpower Strengths? Then book a strategy session with me to learn more and elevate your potential. 



Shaadi Oreyzi